Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

UBC is a founding member of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, which was created in 1968 to deepen the knowledge of Indian and Canadian scholars about each others’ society and culture. The Shastri Institute is instrumental in providing Canadians with scholarships for language studies, humanities & social sciences, science and technology, development studies and for performing arts training in India. Shastri supports research and teaching about India in Canada and about Canada in India.Shastri Logo

The Institute also co-ordinates visits by Indian scholars to Canadian universities and vice-versa. In addition to travel and research scholarships that enable research in India, Canadian students have an opportunity to earn university credits while studying development issues in India through the Shastri Summer Program. Many UBC students have been selected to participate in this program and have gone on to win Shastri scholarships. UBC faculty are consistent winners of Shastri scholarships and serve frequently on the Institute’s Board of Directors, Executive and standing committees.


Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is pleased to announce following programmes for the year 2019-20. The programmes seeking applications in this round are:

Important Note: Finding Matching Partners in Canadian/Indian Institutions

Dear Applicants,

SICI strongly advises all potential applicants that it is their responsibility to find the right partner in another country, In order to find potential matching partners/faculty members in Canadian/Indian member universities, the applicants are strongly advised to visit the websites of preferred Canadian/Indian universities to reach to ONLY the appropriate faculty members of desired schools/departments and write to them directly expressing the necessary background of your proposal and partnership interests. We strongly advise all potential applicants to refrain from sending generic e-mail request to SICI officers or its executive council members or mass e-mailing many other recipients seeking their help to find you a partner, because it could be counterproductive and may hamper their efforts in finding a correct partner.  Applicants are also advised to approach potential partners well in time so that they can submit a well-prepared application after consultation with their partner.

Thank you.

The details of the programmes are available at