Artists’ Roundtable- September 29, 2017- 3 pm-5 pm
Asian Centre Auditorium, 1871 West Mall, UBC West Point Grey Campus
Join artists curator Raghavendra Rao K.V., and members of the South Asian Canadian Histories Association to explore this artistic intervention in the story of Canada at 150+. Two works for the exhibition will be on view at the Asian Centre: Sameer Farooq’s Pouf, Sausage, Weight, Arc (2017), and How This Will End (2017) by Umesh M.S. Other artists taking part in the exhibition at UBC and in Punjabi Market include Vikky Alexander, Sonny Assu, Jason Baerg, and Hyung-Min Yoon.
Art Exhibition Opening and Art Walk- September 30, 2017- 12-4 pm
Punjabi Market & All India Sweets and Restaurant, 6560 Main Street, Vancouver.
Join artists and members of the South Asian Canadian Histories Association for a public art display, performances, and art walk that explore the “Canada at 150+: Trauma, Memory and the Story of Canada” works in Punjabi Market. Free event.
Both events made possible by a generous grant from the Canada 150 Fund, and additional support from, at the University of British Columbia, the Department of Asian Studies, the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program, the Centre for India and South Asia Research, and the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies; Simon Fraser University Woodward’s, and the City of Vancouver.