India embarked on a Telecom Revolution in the 1980’s under Rajiv Gandhi’s National Technology Mission , which was led by Sam Pitroda. Combined with economic reforms, this journey paved the way for several other innovations and transformatory changes in subsequent decades. This talk will present a ringside view of that journey, along with present problems, yet the future possibilities and potential as India Innovates.
About the Speaker
Sam Pitroda is an internationally respected development thinker, policy maker, telecom inventor and entrepreneur who has spent over 50 years in Information and Communication Technology and related developments.
At present he is founder, investor and chairman of six start-ups and several non-profit foundations including Trans-Disciplinary University, People for Global Transformation, Global Knowledge Initiative and India Food Bank. He is also a founding member of the UN Broadband commission and Chairman of the m-powering initiative at the ITU, board member of Fermi laboratories and the World Wide Web Foundation.