In a time of controversy, conflict, and urgency regarding forced migration and refugee populations worldwide, the resettlement of Bhutanese Lhotshampa over the past decade stands as a success story. A large proportion of the refugees in the camps in Nepal has relocated to new homes in North America, Europe and Oceania. While the arrival of the Bhutanese has been far less controversial in the US than that of many other groups, the newcomers continue to face many challenges. Pablo Bose explores the case of Bhutanese refugees resettled in Burlington, Vermont. The community has faced significant challenges and in response, they have made several attempts to emphasize and strengthen connections between their new lives and their heritage. In this presentation, Bose will focus on three such initiatives.
Speaker: Dr. Pablo Bose, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Director, Global and Regional Studies Program, University of Vermont.
This event is sponsored by the Himalaya Program, Centre for India and South Asia Research and Institute for Asian Research.